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One of the cherry trees in our garden here in Sweden has bore fruit and riped. My aunt and I have been picking up the cherries that have fallen onto the ground for the last few days( the only way of getting them, the tree is way too tall!!!) We have a few fruit trees here too, such as 3 plum trees, 1 apple tree and 2 cherry trees and a tiny vegetable plantation. It's fun to watch them grow and finally, EAT THEM!!! It's raining cats and dogs right now with thunder- pretty rare to me since I got here. It was kinda sunny lately though but this kind of weather is good for plantation. Hope more will ripe...
Listen @ 03:35

I didn't get what I want yesterday but we are gonna go out today!!! Not the best news however but at least I won't be stuck at home. I don't have any homework whatsoever so that I won't have anything to think about and squeeze out my brain juice. It's what real holidays should have and I can do other stuffs than to worry about homework. However my mother is kinda worried because of that. It's end of grade 7 holidays, what can I get for homework anyways. The bad thing about my holiday is because I don't get to go to other countries like my friends do, at least not right now. Gotta go now, see you guys!!!
Listen @ 03:18

I went window shopping yesterday and found what I was looking for. My ballet flats got washed and they shrunk so I am gonna buy a new pair of shoes and they are slightly higher and kind of nicer too. Since it's summer, I'm getting a pair of over-sized sunglasses with white rims and a white or beige sun hat. So in total I am gonna be spending a lot of money today with satisfaction!!!
Listen @ 23:43

Got a pretty good sleep last night. I woke up with a neck ache this morning after about nine hours of sleep. I guess my head slipped of my pillow that's why. My eyes were like really blur this morning for some unknown reason. It happens almost every morning even if I had a good rest and my eyes freshen up only like 30 minutes later. I will need to go to bed in half an hour because I take a long time to fall asleep and usually wake up in the middle of the night and take about an hour or more to go back to sleep. May be I'll be back tomorrow so see you guys!!!
Listen @ 11:19

O my god, last night was like the worse night ever!!! It felt like I only had 4 hours of sleep and I kept tossing and turning and it was all cold and hot and cold and hot throughout the whole sleeping process. I woke up about 3 or 4 times last night and couldn't sleep for hours. I woke up this morning with a heavy head and nearly couldn't see anything clearly and my head felt like it just hit a hard object or something. I tried to go back to sleep again but it only got worse so I wet my eyes and had breakfast. It felt like nothing happened just now but it's coming up again right now but only not as painful as before. Hope I'll get better really soon.
Listen @ 01:42

Sorry for not posting for the last few days. So it's been raining and sunny recently and the weather of the previous days were pretty funny. Okay here's why: It was all gray in the sky but it was really sunny so I thought that it would rain. However, it didn't for like two hours and it started drizzling and then it kinda like stopped but later on, it was raining cats and dogs. Not so long after that it became sunny again and the sky was like nearly perfectly clear and then there were gray clouds covering up the sky again and it started repeating the whole cycle again for like about 5 times those days!!!
Anyway, it was the midsummer holiday so the shops were all closed and I think it only opened yesterday and my mother was and still is really tired so I didn't get to go out shopping, and yeah she is very conservative!!! I am so bored!!!
Listen @ 04:13

It's so disappointing!!! It was midsummer's eve so I didn't get to buy my hat because the shops were closed!!! The shops won't even open up today so... I'll have to wait until tomorrow and it was like so, so warm and sunny yesterday.
Today is midsummer and our neighbour is coming for dinner and for some reason, my mother seems so crazy about cleaning up the house.For those who celebrate midsummer, happy midsummer to you guys! Have a good time resting and being with your family and just enjoy yourselves!
Listen @ 23:26

My father's good friend/colleague will be coming to our house for lunch today. Well actually my father called him here to take us to my brother's university campus after lunch. I heard that it's actually pretty far from our house and my mother said that it'll be great if my brother and his girlfriend find a student hostel nearby or in the campus because we'll be competing for transportation when our school start.
Anyway, I might be shopping after that. I went to the city yesterday and found this really pretty sun hat and well there's a lot of those big what do you call that, lobed hat? Well I really like those kind of hats an I am so gonna get at least one of them today, I think and those over-sized sunglasses. It's getting really hot and sunny these days!!!
Listen @ 02:13

I am wearing this outfit that I've found in the bag in the previous entry and I really look like Cinderella or some other fairytale princess when they were still not in the palace. I meant that in a cute way, seriously.
I learnt to tie ties in a different way and I don't think I could still remember the steps however. Well in my previous entry, my father taught me the wrong way of tying ties because when I pulled it out, it didn't unwind itself but has this huge knot or something but he said that it looked fine and should be okay if I had to wear them. So he taught me the right way later on.
Basically the weather today is much better and it should be fine in the next few days also- I hope.
Listen @ 00:05

Okay I learned how to tie a tie and I experimented my skills with one of my father's favourite ties-hahaha!!! So this morning my aunt got some of the vintage clothes that we have found yesterday that was left by my father's colleague and they're actually pretty cute. Well actually. I liked them. It was like a shopping spree or something, it's worth like 3 full black garbage bags and well, some of them are like really hard to get in stores these days!!! Oooh, that's a cute one, um yeah gotta go and try it out so see ya!!!
Listen @ 06:37

I listened to Mariah Carey's Bye Bye and I really liked it especially the meaning of the song. How hard it is to say goodbye to your loved ones, not as in boyfriend or girlfriend issue but more like someone you really loved that actually passes away. That happened to me like three times and that song reminded me of my grandmother who died when I was about three years old in an accident. It also reminded me of my grandfathers who died because of lung cancer, one when I was about 7 and the other when I was about 9. That song really affected me in a good way, in memory of them.
Okay so that's the quite depressing thing about my life. Today seems like it's gonna rain sooner or later and the weather is more like spring compared to summer, not what I expected. I guess it'll get better soon, PLEASE!!!
Listen @ 00:28

It's about 19 degrees outside and it's quite sunny and nice but inside our house however it's like air conditioned at 17 degrees but its nice at least for me but my aunt is um freezing. I was so glad to hear that my brother and his girlfriend are coming to study at the Stockholm University this fall!!! They graduated and got their bachelor's degree a few months a go and are coming for their master's degree!!! But we kinda have a problem about the accommodation but our residence is like three levels with a lot of rooms, so should be enough for the 2 lovers. Ooo yeah, it's gonna be an interesting year for me!...
Listen @ 00:41

It's pretty cloudy today but it didn't rain yet. At least it gives me the hope of swimming later on. Everything is back to normal so we could relax and enjoy summer but we have no idea of what to do where to go except going down to the lake for fresh air and distress and maybe swim and I don't know, family bonding? Got to relax and breathe in the summer air...
Listen @ 01:32

Isn't it sad? It's summer and suppose to be all sunny and stuff but its raining and all cold. My plan of swimming is so destroyed!!! Anyways, today my mom, aunt and I are gonna be sending the VIPs back to Laos, finally our freedom will be returned. We're gonna go grocery shopping after that cause our fridge is kinda empty after the dinners and lunch for like the whole of this week for those VIPs. But I am just so glad they're gonna be gone cause' my mom and aunt are way tired and I just want them to chill. I hope it won't rain tomorrow so I could go for a dip in the lake in front of our house!!!
Listen @ 00:39

Hey ya'll it's summer holiday!!! My frenz r going out but i'm stuck at home. But thanx to msn i'm not that bored and summer still rox!!!There's also some people in my school that r going to south africa today- not the best day!!! Well 2 students from 9 grade are chosen and well um a few teachers. How lucky ARE they? Hope i'll get a chance to go in the nxt 1- 2 yrs...
Listen @ 01:25